What do teens think about reproductive health?

In this era of social media and dating apps, youths’ attitudes and behaviors toward sexual and reproductive health have radically changed.


YTH- Youth + Tech + Health is an Oakland, CA nonprofit.

They received a grant from the Ford Foundation to investigate:

  • Teens and young adults’ attitudes and behaviors around sex and reproductive health
  • Motivation and use of technology
  • Interest in new digital services to support sexual health education


Determine areas of opportunity for new sexual and reproductive health services


thinktank partnered with YTH to conduct primary research and develop a white paper.

We relied on a mix of methodologies:

  • Phone interviews with experts in the areas of sexual health, technology, and philanthropy
  • Analysis of syndicated and third-party research
  • An online survey to teenagers and young adults
  • Focus groups with teenagers and young adults

Due to the sensitive nature of the discussions, Robin Boyar conducted the groups with the young women, and we relied on a male colleague to lead the male group discussion.


A comprehensive view of the current landscape which provided actionable policy and education recommendations

View the white paper here

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